[Ananas comosus]
Up to 1,5 meter. The leaves are 30-100 cm.
Location and climate
Tropical climate. The plant origins from South America and was brought to Europe in the 17. th Century and was later brought to the Phillipines during the Spanish colonization.
Today the majority of the global pineapple plantations are located in Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica and India. Alltogehter these countries produced 28,2 mio tons of pineapple in 2019.
The wild pineapple plant is primarily pollinated by hummingbirds and others by bats. When cultivated pollination is done by hand.
Pineapple fiber is made from the leaves.
The pineapple plant produces large amounts of bio mass because only the fruit is harvested. To extract fibers from the large amount of left over material makes good sense.
Large amounts of pesticides are used in the conventional cultivation of the pineapple. Before harvest Ethephon is used causing the plant to develop Ethylen (plant hormone) so it becomes yellow.
Food as fresh or canned, vinegar, textile production, mats, rugs and blinds.